Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Last Few Days

I have few days left here in Kuwait. I am just finishing a 7 month deployment which was spent in Iraq. Every day was a work day, there were no weekends. I found some of my boundaries, and some of my boundaries found me. I know each of the Marines that worked for me, because we practically lived together for the entire time. When you spend 16-20 hours together in every 24 you tend to do one of two things, hate each other or develop a bond.

I am excited about many things that are waiting for me again. The chill of a cool pool on a hot day. The ticklish softness of the green grass between my toes. The giggle of children being tickled. The warm embrace of my wife. Over the last 7 months walking is the connection between every function I performed. Work: 8 minute walk, Convenience store: 16 min walk, Medical center: 20 min walk, Post office: 23 min, Chapel: 13 mins, Chowhall: 5,7, or 10 min (depending on my location). When I consider to distance to each place I realize that I may have walked more than any other function while in iraq.

The lanscape had a wide pallet of browns. I am sure that the first time I glimpse greens I will stand agape.

I miss the little people so much. Not just mine, though them most of all, but children in general. Their laughs, their honesty, thier deciet, their littleness. I almost laugh just thinking about how fun children are, and how much I missed them.

I will ponder all that I have missed and write more later.


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