Thursday, August 16, 2007

Lack of Action

Entertaining thoughts of fear and love is a deeper way to start the day. This is where my thinking starts today. I suprised myself by filling two pages in my journal this morning with the day's journey just begun.
Perfect love casts out all fear. What does that love smell like? How does it escape my detection? I had hoped that the love I show was 'that' kind but this morning I find that it is not, but it is a valiant effort of words to make up for lack of action. Now if I could just get my lousy actions to match my words... I guess that is the rub. I recognize that this is a problem that I possess. I hold to it tightly at least the 'effort of words' part, the lack of action in meaning leaning toward 'lack' instead of 'action'.
I need to focus this effort on actions of a more selfless nature. The words of explanation should be retained until the correct actions have taken place. I need to do actions of love and no words, no promises, and no deals; just correct actions performed at the correct time that show the truth, then use words when required to explain success or to analyze misplaced actions.

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