Sunday, August 19, 2007

First Day Home

My first day home was wonderful. Christina and I caught up on many feelings that we wanted to share, but email just didn't do the trick so well, so we talked, laughed, and cried. I held her for moments throughout the day and enjoyed being close and talking. I stayed up as late as possible to try and overcome the time difference...It worked.
I understand in a deeper way why somethings just cannot be properly expressed over the phone. The reason feelings are shared in the first place is so that they can be understood and accepted. Obviously, in this world that doesn't happen for most people. Feelings are not well shared over email or phone so it makes sense that a emotional Tsunami hit me shortly after returning...I weathered it well, I listened and validated my wife's feelings and Whooosh they were gone and we could return to enjoying our time together. I can't believe that listening and validating feelings can be the answer to emotional communication, but now I understand it is...mostly by faith. I love my wife and when I see things from her perspective it helps me and her. Simplicity seems to be an important concept in relationships.
I don't know if I have any readers yet, but I am going to keep on blogging. If you are reading a quick hi would be nice. Take Care.


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